Minerals Council misleading the public: Greens WA


Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The Minerals Council of Australia’s attempt to portray mining tax rates as too high is misleading and subversive, says Greens WA mining spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC.

A report commissioned by the MCA has claimed that miners pay an effective rate of 51%, however the report includes royalty expenses rather than just taxable income.

“The Minerals Council recently admitted to a Senate inquiry that they donate to both Labor and Liberal parties to gain access to politicians, and it is unsurprising that they are now waging a campaign to increase their members’ profits at the expense of the Australian public,” Mr Chapple said.

“Royalties are what help to fund the infrastructure and services that directly benefit the people of WA. It is absolutely crucial that mining companies pay their fair share.

“It is a sad state of affairs when mining lobbyists can freely admit that they pay for access to major party MPs with no consequences and only weeks later seek to decrease tax and royalty rates for mining companies.”

Mr Chapple said that mid-tier miners are paying their fair share and it is about time that large mining corporations do the same.

“According to The Australia Institute, taxpayers paid $4.5 billion in subsidies and concessions to the mining industry across Australia. The Minerals Council’s call to reduce the company tax rate is insulting to WA and insulting to taxpayers.”

Media contact:
Liam Carter - 0449 151 490