Most vulnerable still paying for budget repair


It is very disappointing to see that the cruel and unfair budget measures are still on the Government's agenda.  Punitive measures that hurt Australians struggling to find work and those raising families are part of MYEFO. The 2015-2016 MYEFO shows the Federal Government's ongoing commitment to unfair policies that weaken our social safety net and make it harder for job seekers to find employment.

"MYEFO shows that the Government is still committed to flawed budget measures, including cuts to families, keeping young job seekers off income support and restricting access to intensive support may cut off help to those who need it most.

The Government's been talking about an investment approach, but they're making ad-hoc cuts that may harm rather than help'" Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson on family and community services said today.

"This is still an uncaring, ideological attack on the young. The Greens stand with the community on rejecting these harsh measures, our young people deserve better.

"The Turnbull Government has displayed no vision, just a continued roll out of flawed and unfair measures aimed at our most vulnerable.

"I am also very concerned about the changes to aged care and the implications that they will have on the lives of older Australians, the Australian Greens will be following these measures closely.

"This Government continues its narrow and costly focus on debt repayments and compliance, ignoring the flaws in income payment system, like outdated IT infrastructure and understaffing with long wait times on phone lines which make reporting and compliance harder. The emphasis still remains on compliance and fraud rather than innovating and creating a better system to help people into the future.

"While health, social services, aged care and child care were hit hard in this budget, the big-end-of-town has avoided any savings measures. This is a clear indication that while the leader may have changed, the policies remain the same,".