Motion: Employment guarantees in Fair Work Act


NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                          15 November 2017

I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that –

That the Senate –

  1. Notes that:
    1. The NSW Department of Finance Services and Innovation has stated that they will not be extending employment guarantees for cleaners that have been in place since 1994 in the new contracts in 2018;
    2. The Fair Work Act allows employers, such as the NSW government, to take this action;
    3. 7000 school cleaners in NSW will need to reapply for their jobs for the first time in 24 years;
    4. Many of these already precarious and underpaid workers will be placed under unnecessary financial stress, including housing stress;
    5. Regional school cleaners will face the brunt of this announcement, as many of these workers will be unable to find another job in their area if their contracts are not renewed;
    6. United Voice NSW, the union for cleaners, is doing an excellent job advocating for these workers; and
  2. Calls on:
    1. The federal government to amend the Fair Work Act so previous employment guarantees are retained when new contracts are drawn up; and
    2. The NSW Government to ensure jobs are guaranteed to all cleaners who want to continue employment under the new agreement.



Motion Employment and Workplace Relations