Nationals and Labor abandon commitment to protecting Liverpool Plains from mining


New England Greens candidate Pete Wills and Greens Senator for NSW Lee Rhiannon have blasted the ALP for their abandonment of NSW Labor leader Luke Foley’s commitment to protecting the New England region from mining.

Senator Rhiannon today moved a motion calling on the government to ‘protect agricultural groundwater systems by placing a moratorium on Commonwealth approval of proposed coal and coal seam gas mining projects on the Liverpool Plains, Namoi Valley and Gunnedah Basin.’

New England Greens candidate Pete Wills worked with Senator Rhiannon on the motion.

The motion was voted down, with the ALP siding with the Coalition.

In late August 2017 Luke Foley visited the Liverpool Plains and condemned the NSW government for failing to cancel the Shenhua Watermark mine stating “the impact on water, the impact on native animals like koalas is too much. The Liverpool Plains needs protection not a new mine.[1]

New England Greens candidate Pete Wills said, “It is incredibly disappointing that, despite Luke Foley visiting our area and calling for Shenhua to be cancelled just two months ago, his colleagues in the Senate have abandoned our region in favour of the mining industry.

“The voters of New England will now see that they cannot trust Labor to stand up for our region’s farmers, wildlife or natural environment.

"Unlike other candidates in this by-election, I am backed by a team of Australian Greens Senators who stand ready to protect water, farmland and native species habitats from unnecessary and unwanted coal and CSG projects affecting Liverpool Plains farms," said Mr Wills.

Greens Senator for NSW Lee Rhiannon said, “The Nationals and Labor were given an opportunity to stand by the farmers of the New England region, and instead have chosen to stand by their mates and donors in the mining industry.

"I congratulate the farmers of the Liverpool Plains and our New England candidate Pete Wills on their determined campaigning to protect the irreplaceable water and unique farmland, and native species habitats throughout the region."


NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                  

I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that –

That the Senate -

  1. Notes that:
    1. Sustainable food and fibre production on the Liverpool Plains  requires an integrated and strategic approach to water reform;
    2. The Liverpool Plains contains some of the most productive and fertile soil in Australia and farmers need certainty about water resources to assist their farming practices;
    3. The high degree of connectivity between groundwater systems throughout the Namoi Valley indicate that mining impacts on Liverpool Plains groundwater can extend well beyond one local site into surrounding agricultural systems; and
  2. Calls on the government to:
    1. Protect agricultural groundwater systems by placing a moratorium on Commonwealth approval of proposed coal and coal seam gas mining projects on the Liverpool Plains, Namoi Valley and Gunnedah Basin.



Media Release Mining and Resources