Nation’s most disadvantaged can now barely get into the rental market, let’s address that in the Federal budget: Greens


Dismally low statistics that show the nation’s most poorest and disadvantaged are almost completely locked out of the rental market shows a widening gap between the well off and the poor in Australia that must urgently be addressed, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“In the survey by Anglicare only eight properties in the whole country were affordable for a single person over 18 on youth allowance. What a disastrous figure.

“Many people are now conceding they will never be home owners and have given up on that dream, but to read that people on the disability support pension, struggling single parents and people on minimum wage are barely able to get into the rental market shows just how tough it is getting for people trying to get by in Australia.

“Rather than drip-feed to conservative media that the social safety net is going to be further tightened in the Federal Budget, Scott Morrison should be considering ways to dramatically reduce inequality, increase Newstart and create a society where it isn’t becoming impossible to put a roof over your head when you’re down on your luck”.

Media Release Family, Ageing, Community and Disability Services