NDIS planning process needs fixing


A report by National Disability Services (NDS) designed to ensure the National Disability Insurance Scheme stays on track to deliver the best services possible for people with disability is an important intervention and should be considered alongside other feedback the Government receives, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“It is very clear that there are major problems with the planning process in the NDIS, the Greens have always supported the NDIS, but as it rolls out, it is foolish to deny there are problems. The development of participants plans are a particular concern and this needs addressing urgently.

“There is absolutely no doubt that the planning process needs fixing and I hope that this intervention focuses the Government's and the NDIA's attention on the need for action.

“Alongside evidence given to the Joint Standing Committee on NDIS and feedback given from people with disability, their family and carers, the Government needs to consider this report in how to best address problems and gaps in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

“It would be a monumental shame to see this huge transition leaving people worse off when it was intended to do the exact opposite”. 

Media Release Family, Ageing, Community and Disability Services