New Greens Senator proposes 'new deal' for young people


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John said today he would make it his mission to bust the myth that young people didn’t care about politics, after taking carriage of the Youth portfolio in party room this morning.

"The young people of Australia deserve a new deal,” Steele-John said.

“We are the ones who will live in the world built by the decisions that are made in this place and that is why the petty game-playing angers us, frustrates us and causes us to disengage.

“Everything is on the line for our generation; never has it been clearer that young people desperately need a voice in our Parliament!

“On my sudden entrance to this place I will say that there is no direct correlation between age and experience; I think that we get the best outcomes from our democracy when people from a diversity of backgrounds contribute to the legislative process.

“Young people, in my experience, are passionately and unapologetically committed to creating a fairer and more sustainable society. It is my mission to make that voice heard in this place.”  

Media contact:

Tim Oliver - 0448 316 387

Media Release Youth