Order for Production of documents related to Perth Freight Link


NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                          31 August 2016                                                                                             
I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that -
The Senate -                                                     
1.       Notes the Turnbull government intends to provide funding now worth $1.2 billion for the Perth Freight Link and has no social, environmental or economic credibility;
2.       Orders that there be laid on the table no later than 11am Monday 12 September  2016 by the Minister for Finance:
a.       An estimate of the financial penalties or compensation that the Barnett government has exposed WA taxpayers to, should the contracts be terminated
b.      Any correspondence or information (including briefings and meeting notes) relating to penalties or compensation that will be offered to contractors,  should the contracts for the Perth Freight Link be terminated upon a change of government, including correspondence between any Australian Government Minister, Department or Agency with the Western Australian government on this matter