Parliament plastic straw ban a small step in the right direction


Parliament plastic straw ban a small step in the right direction

Media release Wednesday 28 March 2018

Greens South West MLC Diane Evers has encouraged anyone concerned about plastic waste to contact their local venues to make changes after she successfully encouraged the WA Parliament to ditch plastic straws forever.
“It is just a small step, but not if we all talk to our local venues about this sort of thing,” Ms Evers said.
In a letter, attached, Ms Evers wrote to Parliament’s catering staff on 28 February noting the automatic supply of plastic straws with all soft drinks served in glasses in the Parliamentary Dining Room. She highlighted the contribution of plastic waste to landfill and impacts on environment and marine life, including water ways, birds and sea mammals.
“I was delighted to receive an email back from the Dining Room Manager stating that they will no longer automatically provide a straw for beverages in the Members Dining Room, Functions, Members Bar and Visitors lounge – rather on request only – and that the Catering Unit had sourced a new straw that is non-plastic and is paper based,” Ms Evers said.
“I congratulate the Parliamentary catering team on being so responsive. Maybe there are other venues and small businesses who would be willing to make changes with similar encouragement.”
Media Contacts
Diane Evers MLC - 0458 488 504
Louisa Wales – media liaison – 0415 630 446