Paying for interstate generation makes no sense


Monday, 07 December

WA Greens energy spokesperson slams the government for talk of funding large-scale renewable generation projects over east, rather than here in WA, as reported in the West Australian this morning.

“The idea of our tax dollars going towards renewable projects interstate is a bastardization of the Renewable Energy Target” Mr Chapple said.

“Why would we pay for clean energy projects that we won’t ever receive electricity from?

“The fact that this has even been floated just shows how short-term this government is thinking.

“Here is an industry that could create new jobs, lower the price of electricity and greatly improve our environment.

“The excuse that our system is over capacity is ridiculous. Let’s retire some of our fossil fuel generators, which are over forty years old, and get in some new renewable capacity to meet our 2020 target.

“As a state we should, and could be doing a lot more around renewables. Frankly, the costs of this technology are dropping so fast, and our natural resources are so good, that it is only a matter of time for WA.

“I am dumbfounded by Mr Rowe’s comments, and I sincerely hope that these ideas are not borne out.”

For comment please contact Media Liaison Tim Oliver on 0431 9696 25 or 9486 8255.