A People's Park for Point Peron


This long beautiful stretch of land, bushland and ocean-front at the southern end of Cockburn Sound, known as Cape Peron, is a popular place for families and social gatherings.
For generations of Western Australians, Cape Peron holds special memories. These memories are in danger of remaining just that due to the proposed conversion of this beautiful public reserve to a canal-style marina with luxury housing. With access only for the select few who buy into the exclusive development.
Lynn has been a key player and spokesperson in the fight to protect Cape Peron from the development of this marina.
Lynn has asked numerous parliamentary question to highlight the concerns with the proposed development and highlighted the missed opportunity in her recent speech in response to the 2015/16 budget, to invest in developing a people's park at Cape Peron. 
Lynn has been actively writing submissions to the Public Environmental Review and the Metropolitan Regional Scheme Amendment. Lynn has also spoken often with the media outlining the reasons why Cape Peron should remain a people's park.
The land at Point Peron includes 38 hectares of a 'Bush Forever’ site which would be destroyed in constructing a marina. Recreational space is sorely needed in this region of growing population, and the community wants a world class coastal and conservation park. 
A canal estate in this location is a mistake that we will pay for now and long into the future. 
Canal developments of this type are out-dated and have been banned in some states due to their unacceptable environmental impact and ongoing maintenance issues. Western Australia can do better.
You can often spot some friendly dolphins and penguins in this marine haven. But for how long?
Image: Related news article: Community still in the dark about Cedar Woods profit from public land grab: GreensGreens table petition against canal developmentsSub title: Public reserve threatenedRelated take action campaign: A People's Park for Point PeronRelated portfolios: Biodiversity & ConservationHealth and WellbeingPlanningHeritageColour: Pink