Perth's Urban Forest


Lynn and the Greens believe our cities must protect the natural environments which nurture us through healthy air, clean water and places to reflect and enjoy the natural world.
Green spaces act as lungs for the cities, promote our physical and mental health, help to reduce the urban heat island effect and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Perth is a unique city situated in the South-West of WA; a globally recognised biodiversity hotspot. Originally covered by chains of wetlands, Banksia woodlands and coastal heath, Perth is home to a rich biodiversity, including more than 1,700 species of flowering plants. 
Once covered by over 284,000ha of native vegetation, it is estimated that 75% of Perth's original bushland and 80% of the original wetlands have been lost.
One of the biggest threats is land clearing - however, the opportunity to preserve Perth's urban bushland is dwindling as it continues to be cleared for further housing, industrial and road developments. 
The Green's Greenways initiative will provide a new framework for protecting, connecting and regenerating green space in our city at the metropolitan, local street and individual household level.
The aim will be to double Perth's canopy cover by 2029 and have everyone live within a five-minute walk of a greenway.
A greenway is a nature-based corridor that is frequently created out of disused land such as urban bush, derelict industrial land or old railways. Greenways provide a nature zone within urban areas and can act as walking trails, wildlife corridors or linear parks.
Image: Related news article: Community do not want more housing and less green space in WA: GreensCarnaby’s Cockatoos facing extinction, Greens call for new lawsSub title: gREENWAYS AND MORERelated portfolios: Water SustainabilityUrban Bushland and WetlandsSwan RiverGenetic modificationRecycling and Metro WasteColour: Turquoise