PM must support independent investigation into Syria bombing


The Prime Minister must call for an independent investigation into the tragic bombing in Syria, and bring our forces home, Acting Australian Greens Leader Senator Scott Ludlam said today.
"This is a tragedy, and we offer our grave condolences to the families of the dead.
"The Turnbull Government must immediately call for an independent investigation into our involvement. If there is any hope for rebuilding the shattered confidence in the coalition it will only come from an independent investigation. How could Syrians possibly have any faith in an internal review?
"For months the government has been warned that the deployment of Australian forces was only adding to the chaos in Syria, and that has been demonstrated in the most awful way with this botched operation.
"This tragedy could not have come at a worse time, as all sides try to maintain a fragile ceasefire. Far from deescalating the terrible violence in Syria, the situation is worsening.
"This has all occurred at a time when the Government and Labor are seeking to expand the targeting powers of the Australian military. The Australian Greens have deep concerns about this proposal, and will be further considering its impacts in light of this incident.
"The first step from the government must be to recall our forces and bring them home, before any more damage is done," Senator Ludlam said.