Public transport cash win belongs to Roe 8 campaigners


The win for Federal funding into public transport in Western Australia belongs to the fearless campaigners against the Roe 8 project, who literally put their liberty at risk to save the Beeliar Wetlands from being smothered in concrete.

Greens Senator for WA Scott Ludlam said if it weren’t for the dedicated crew who turned up every day to fight the Barnett Government’s reckless road to nowhere the Federal Government would be pouring money into another road and not public transport in WA this Budget.

“The campaigners, protestors and fearless souls who stood in front of bulldozers to stop Roe 8 deserve all of the credit for WA’s public transport reallocation of $1.2billion,” he said.

“This is the kind of community campaigning that shifts political pressure towards public infrastructure projects that don’t scar the earth.

“So to everyone who worked for decades, years or even in the run up to the March election that is your win, your money, which go towards transforming our city, so congratulations.”

Media contact: 0408 533 877

Media Release Transport and Infrastructure