Rental health check


About one third of Australians are renters –  not that you’d know it given their voices are so often absent from any debate about housing.
The private rental market in Australia is one of the most expensive and least regulated in the world. Renters can end up in difficult situations with insufficient rights or opportunity to resolve matters. Or they put up with escalating rents, insecure housing, poor maintenance or financial disputes with landlords.
The Greens have a vision for a rental market that treats renters fairly, where strong, basic standards are met and long term or lifetime renters have better security of tenure in their home. 
But before we release this plan, we want to make sure it fits the needs of Australian renters.
If you rent, please take 10 minutes to complete this survey to tell us a little bit about your experiences renting.
We use this data to make sure our policy meets renters’ needs and also to advocate on behalf of renters.
This data will also be compared to the results of our 2013 survey to see how the situation for renters has changed in the past three years. 
Thanks for taking the time to contribute to our Renters Rights campaign.