Response to Energy Minister Mike Nahan: ‘Electricity reforms ensure fairer system for all’


Thursday, 7 April
WA Greens Energy spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC said cutting electricity costs by reducing Demand Side Management (DSM) was ultimately a backwards step for the WA energy market.
“This government has no real foresight for reducing energy consumption in Western Australia,” Mr Chapple said.
“DSM reduces our reliance on aging coal-fired power stations, such as Muja, therefore simultaneously reducing the energy footprint of the grid and electricity costs for all.
“Western Australia has a problem with surplus electricity in the South West Interconnected System because of this government’s poor handling of rooftop solar uptake and a blind desire to keep ancient, dirty coal-fired power stations running.
“I would also like to point out Mr Nahan was dragged kicking and screaming to the ‘historic agreement allowing battery systems to export to the grid’ by the WA Greens, who first bought it the attention of Parliament last year.
“The idea that our grid is 23% over capacity is an electricity elephant in the room; remove the cause of that excess capacity and kill two birds with one stone.”
Energy Minister Mike Nahan’s media statement for reference:
For comment please contact Media Liaison Tim Oliver on 0431 9696 25 or 9486 8255.