Roe 8 failings demonstrate need for integrity in government


The Greens WA have today highlighted Roe 8 project as a prime example of the community's losing faith in the WA political system. 

Following the launch of the Greens’ Integrity in Government initiative, Member for South Metropolitan Region Lynn MacLaren MLC said the Liberal Party’s conduct during planning and construction of the road demonstrated the need for Governments to be held accountable for their actions. 

“Nothing about this project has been transparent - it's no wonder the community are angry,” Ms MacLaren said. 

“The Liberal Party failed to produce a business case and committed $1.9 billion the Perth Freight Link without a solid plan for stages two and three.

“When clearing started, it spent $40,000 a day on a police presence at a peaceful protest.

“It failed time and time again to comply with conditions set out by the EPA, continuing with bulldozing when animals were present - it installed netting along fence lines which lead to their deaths. 

“It continued to bulldoze when people were present.

“When it was discovered that the work site was contaminated with asbestos - with a threat to residents' health - did it stop work to investigate? No.

“Instead it carried on, providing no information to a community worried about the health of their families. 

“A resilient democracy depends on a Government being transparent in how they make decisions and accountable to the people who elected it – this has absolutely not been the case with Roe 8.”   

To find out more about the Greens' committment to renewing the democratic system, visit

Related campaign:  Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar Wetlands