Roe 8 High Court challenge over - real campaign begins


Media statement  Friday 16 December 2016

Following today's decision by the High Court to turn down an application by Save Beeliar Wetlands and an affected homeowner to contest the legality of Roe 8, the Barnett Government still faces plenty of challenges to getting the road built, Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says.

"We were aware from the outset that the odds were stacked against getting the applicants getting leave to have the case heard in the High Court, so our thinking has always been beyond the today's decision," Ms MacLaren said.

"There may yet be other legal challenges to Roe 8; in the meantime there are thousands of Western Australians who are determined to stop Roe 8, including many willing to peacefully protest, as we have already seen.

"The State election is three months away and we don't expect significant work on Roe 8 to be completed by then.

"By proceeding with Roe 8, the Barnett Government is activating many people who will campaign not just to stop Roe 8 but to oust this Government.

"The Greens will continue to show leadership in advocating against Roe 8 and for better infrastructure investment and the protection of our precious places.

"Whoever forms Government next year we will provide a genuine alternative to politics as usual."

Related campaign:  Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar Wetlands Related portfolios:  Transport