Safe zone call for abortion clinics


The Greens will introduce legislation to protect women seeking an abortion from being harassed by establishing a 150m safe zone around abortion clinics.

The Safe Access Zones legislation around reproductive health care clinics, which provide abortion services, would bring WA in line with Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales.
Currently women are being picketed outside the Dr Marie Slopes clinic in Midland by One Nation candidate Michelle Meyers.

Women's rights activist and Greens Candidate Sarah Nielsen-Harvey said that a Safe Access Zone of 150m around the entrance of a clinic is vital to protect the dignity and privacy of women seeking any form of reproductive health care, especially abortions.

"Right now what we see is anti-choice campaigners including One Nation Candidate Michelle Meyers, picket, harass and intimidate people as they enter clinics," she said.

Ms Nielsen-Harvey last year counter-protested a 40 Day picket held by the extreme conservative American group '40 Days for Life' at the Midland Dr Marie Stopes clinic.

'Abortion is a health care issue, and safe access is integral for patients. To stop this harassment, the Greens WA will introduce a Private Members Bill to create safe access zones of 150m around an abortion clinics," she said.

"Abortion have been legal in WA since 1998, and it is abhorrent that they should be demonised by these groups who seek to shame women.

"I am calling on Pauline Hanson and One Nation to disendorse candidate Michelle Meyers for her harmful opinions on our reproductive rights, our LGBTQI community and our Muslim community.

"People accessing abortion should not be harassed or intimidated in any manner whatsoever. It is their choice, and that choice needs to be respected. Western Australia was one of the first states to legalise abortion. Michelle Meyers believes it is a 'quick fix' solution. She has no right to interfere with the legal right of a person seeking a termination and this view is incredibly dangerous.

"She does not "help" people, she is not a saviour of "lives". In fact she makes the experience more traumatic than it might already be.

"Women accessing a clinic may be doing so for one of the various reproductive health care measures.

"My sister, who could not have another child for health reasons, has been harassed walking past this very clinic. She wanted another child and would have died due to ectopic pregnancies but for terminations. She was harassed to not have an abortion, when in reality, she would have done anything to be able to be pregnant."