Save Barrabup Forest: ALP must honour pre-election promise


Save Barrabup Forest: ALP must honour pre-election promise

Media Release Monday 18 September 2017


The WA Greens say the McGowan Government must honour a promise it made in the lead up the March State election to protect high conservation value forests, which by definition includes Barrabup Jarrah Forest on the outskirts of Nannup.


The call comes after Greens South-West MLC and Forests Spokesperson Diane Evers last week tabled a petition signed by 3,048 people opposing the logging of Barrabup Jarrah Forest and calling for its protection a formal conservation reserve. The cross-party Parliamentary Environment and Public Affairs Committee will now review the petition to decide whether a Parliamentary inquiry is required.


“In the lead up to the March 2017 State election, ALP members repeatedly told concerned environmentalists and community members that an incoming ALP Government would immediately protect high conservation value forests,” Ms Evers said.


“If the ALP want to maintain credibility with the community, the answer with regard to the Barrabup Forest is obvious.


“A 2002 former ALP Government analysis found Barrabup Forest to be a high conservation value forest comprising intact ecosystems including mature trees and protected flora and fauna and offering high heritage, recreational, social and economic values to the Nannup community.


“Over the past 15 years since then, pressures on South-West jarrah forests including unsustainable logging, clearing for industry and urban development and reduced rainfall as a result of climate change have increased, and consequently Barrabup’s conservation value as a healthy intact jarrah forest that is treasured by a nearby community has increased.


“The Greens call on the Environment Minister to enact the ALP’s pre-election promise and immediately protect Barrabup Forest as a High Conservation Value forest, regardless of the outcome of the old-growth forest assessment still underway.