Scrapping Roe 8 will save $837 million: Greens


The Turnbull Government could cut its losses today and save $837 million by scrapping the proposed Perth Freight Link, new costings by the Greens from the PBO have found.
"Today Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced an extra $260 million to fund an underground carpark connected to an environmental and heritage atrocity that was shot down by the Supreme Court," Australian Greens co-deputy leader Senator Scott Ludlam said today.
"Costings done by the Parliamentary Budget Office for the Greens show Malcolm Turnbull can save just shy of a billion dollars on a proposal the community has already rejected.
"The Turnbull Government has already thrown $100 million in the air by plugging a project that will rip through Beeliar wetlands whilst failing in its objectives.
"This $837 million would go a long way towards the design and assessment of a second harbour in Cockburn Sound".

2016-04-12 Perth Freight Link PBO