Senate backs Greens efforts to shed some light on Perth Freight Link


On the same day the Senate voted to request the Auditor-General investigate the Perth Freight Link, the clock ran out on yet another delaying tactic by the state and federal Liberal governments, the Australian Greens said today.

On the same day the Senate voted to request the Auditor-General investigate the Perth Freight Link, the clock ran out on yet another delaying tactic by the state and federal Liberal governments, the Australian Greens said today.
"The Barnett and Abbott-Turnbull governments are terrified of transparency. Today the Senate supported the Greens' call to request the Auditor-General investigate the proposed federal funding of the Perth Freight Link and WestConnex. The Senate also voted with us to compel the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development to answer questions about the Freight Link that they've had for 75 days," Senator Ludlam said.
"Senator Ryan said in the chamber today that 'the Perth Freight Link is a good project', yet the state and federal governments have consistently refused to provide anything to substantiate it.
"We're just supposed to take it on faith. No cost-benefit analysis, no business case. They're not just hiding, they're actively obstructing any efforts to bring this information to light.
"Premier Colin Barnett and his state and federal colleagues have consistently demonstrated their inability to reflect the public interest, much less determine it. That's what these accountability mechanisms are for, yet they treat these processes with absolute contempt.
"He's disregarded the community. He's disregarded local councils. He's disregarded the Australian Senate and the Supreme Court of WA. Let's see if he listens to the Auditor-General," Senator Ludlam said.
The Questions on Notice the government has failed to answer:
The full text of the motion requesting the Auditor-General investigation: