Senate calls on the Treasurer to abandon suggestions that income support cuts are needed to pay for the NDIS


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed senate support for her motion calling on the Government to deliver the NDIS but not at the expense of people on income support.

“Just recently Treasurer Scott Morrison suggested that cuts may have to be make in the welfare system to pay for the NDIS.

“The Government needs to stop marrying Federal funding to cuts to support of our most vulnerable.

“The Senate noted that those on income support have been disproportionately targeted over the last two cruel budgets.

“The Government should lsiten to the calls of the Senate and cease their relentless attack on our social security safety net whilst keeping their pre-election commitment to deliver the NDIS.

Motion reads:

I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that –

The Senate –

  1. Notes:

    1. the suggestions by the treasurer (Mr Morrison) that cuts may have to be made in the welfare system to pay for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and

    2. those on income support have disproportionally borne the burden of two cruel budgets; and

  2. Calls on the government to:

    1. keep their pre-election commitment to ‘deliver the NDIS’ but not at the expense of people on income support, and

    2. cease their relentless attack on our social security safety net.