Senate calls for a UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in Myanmar


Today, the Senate invited the Australian Government to consider calling for a UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in Myanmar.  The Senate motion was in response to the atrocities being committed against the Rohingya people in Rakhine State. 

The Senate also urged the Government to call on Myanmar to assert religious and ethnic equality of all people.

Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Foreign Affairs spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam moved the motion. 

“What is happening to Rohingya people right now is devastating.  For years and years we have seen institutionalised marginalisation and discrimination. Now we are witnessing horrifying atrocities like gang rape, brutal beatings, disappearances and killings.

“I welcome the fact that the Australian Parliament can put aside partisan divides to speak out about the persecution of the Rohingya people in Myanmar.  I look forward to seeing the Australian Government use its influence to try and resolve this escalating crisis,” Senator Ludlam said.


NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                                                       15 February 2017

I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that

The Senate –

  1. notes:
    1. the deeply concerning United Nations report, released on 3 February, documenting atrocities against the Rohingya people in Myanmar, based on interviews with Rohingya refugees fleeing their home country;
    2. that the Australian Government has a history of diplomatic and political influence in the region, and is therefore well-placed to play a role in resolving this escalating crisis;
    3. that the Australian community is becoming more and more concerned about the human rights situation in Myanmar;
  2. Invites the Australian Government to consider:
    1. calling on the Government of Myanmar to assert religious and ethnic equality of all people in Myanmar, including the persecuted Rohingya people in Rakhine State;
    2. calling for a UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in Myanmar


Senator Scott Ludlam

Australian Greens

Media Release Foreign Affairs