Senate calls on WA Government to release CCTV footage of Ms Dhu


The Senate has supported a motion calling on the WA Government to publicly release the CCTV footage of Ms Dhu in police custody.

“Over and over again, Ms Dhu’s family has called for footage of Ms Dhu in police custody to be publicly released. At the rally marking two years since Ms Dhu's death myself and Senator Lines committed to pursuing this matter in the Senate with this motion.

“Despite the wishes of the family, the footage hasn't been released. We have to ask what is there to hide.

“The Australian community has recently had a visceral reaction to footage that shows mistreatment in correctional facilities. Although uncomfortable, it is in the national interest to present this footage, whatever it may be, so that it can prompt change if necessary.

“The WA Government should acknowledge the Senate's call to action and release the footage.

“We need to stop Aboriginal deaths in custody, I urge the Commonwealth Government to implement the recommendations Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody in full in order to prevent future deaths”.