Senate condemns WA anti-protest laws


A Greens motion calling on the WA Government to abandon its anti-protest laws that have been condemned by United Nations has been supported by the Senate in Canberra today.
“The anti-protest laws that Colin Barnett is pushing through State Parliament attacks free speech, public protest and a healthy democratic society”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.
“Were it not for peaceful protest, awful projects such as James Price Point would have gone ahead. Peaceful protest is integral to a healthy democracy.
“As repeatedly expressed by my state colleague Lynn MacLaren, the bill is too loosely drafted and would capture many more actions than the Government is prepared to admit.
“I urge Colin Barnett to consider the calls of the Senate, as well as the United Nations, and abandon these divisive and unnecessary laws”.
WA Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren said:
“We are undeterred in our efforts to protect this fundamental human right.  Even though the Bill emerged unamended from the Legislative Council after a year-long struggle, we have increased opposition and built momentum in a formidable civil society campaign to ensure the Barnett Government withdraws the Prevention of Lawful Activity Bill.”