Senate urges Government to address accessing the NDIS for blind and vision impaired people


The Senate has supported a motion initiated by Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert that calls on the Government to address barriers for people with vision impairment to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
“Recently we saw reports that blind and vision impaired Australians have not been able to access the NDIS because materials and pamphlets are not in braille or large print.
“A National Disability Scheme that is not accessible to people with disability is disastrous and flies in the face of the whole purpose of the NDIS. 
“Facing barriers to a disability scheme because you are blind or vision impaired should not be an issue we are having to raise in the Senate.
“I urge the Minister to commit to urgently addressing these barriers”. 

Media ReleaseFamily, Ageing, Community and Disability Services