Services at Banksia Hill must be run by WA MHC


The WA Greens are calling on the Barnett Government to ensure the Mental Health Commission plays a key role in the management of the new accommodation units at Banksia Hill Detention Centre, to ensure the children receive the best transition plan out of prison, consistent with the ten year mental health and AOD services plan.

While the Greens welcome the very necessary and long overdue move to build such units, Greens candidate Alison Xamon has warned that without the proper wrap around services and supports spearheaded by the MHC and other government departments, it could be just another residential care home as seen on Four Corners on Monday night.

“These children are truly forgotten and parole is an important part of their transition to break the offending cycle,” she said.

“But so are the types of services and supports these children receive while in the duty of care of the Government.

“We need to ensure cross government cooperation from the Disability Services Commission for children who may be diagnosed with FASD, training and education, and the Department of Child Protection playing a key role in caring for these children.

“I am not convinced Corrective Services is the best government department to run these places, because these children need a continuum of service care once and if they move out of these units.

“I look forward to hearing more details about this announcement."