Shame on Barnett Government as proposed anti-protest Bill draws UN criticism


The Barnett Government has embarrassed WA by proposing anti-protest laws that have drawn international criticism from the highest level, Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says, following news this morning United Nations human rights special rapporteurs have condemned the proposed legislation. 

“This is a huge embarrassment for our State and a clear signal the Barnett Government should dump its outrageously anti-democratic anti-protest Bill unless it wants to bring more shame upon us ,” Ms MacLaren said. 

“If this Government wants to hold its head high in the international community including trading partners, it should consider the potential effect on its reputation of bringing in legislation that three United Nations  special rapporteurs on international human rights laws have warned unambiguously is anti-democratic and counter to international human rights law. 

“WA is once again in the international spotlight for all the wrong reasons, thanks to this Government’s anti-democratic, anti-environment agenda. 

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