Shocking new figures reveal systemic cruelty in WA greyhound racing industry - Greens


Shocking new figures released this week reveal the true extent of ongoing systemic cruelty within the Western Australia greyhound racing industry, Greens spokesperson for Animals Lynn MacLaren MLC has said.
“I discovered through questions in Parliament that in the 12 months to 31 October, 371 greyhounds were euthanised – 96 because they were not suitable for racing, 88 which were deemed unfit for re-homing and 187 which were injured on the track or while training,” Ms MacLaren said.
“We already knew at least 800 dogs were euthanised in the two years up to the end of 2014-2015.
“It is little wonder the industry has been reluctant to admit to the true number of otherwise healthy dogs which have been historically euthanised.
“To make matters work, just 35% of greyhounds whelped in 2014-15 went on to race or take part in qualifying trials.
“And the number of dogs exported from WA to be raced in other states went up by more than 100% each year for four years since 2012, with only a eight per cent decline in dogs exported in 2016.
“The industry has also imported 2019 dogs from other states into WA since 2012, for racing purposes.
“All of this shows, even after the live-baiting scandal faded away, the industry remains inherently cruel.
“It is clear the Western Australian industry has learned nothing from the investigation and subsequent ban on the ‘sport’ in New South Wales.”
Related campaign: Ban Greyhound Racing in WARelated portfolios: Animals