So which tax scare campaign is it?


Today the Australian Senate called on the government to clarify which of their contradictory scare campaigns they plan on proceeding with.
"Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer stated that reforming negative gearing would push house prices up, contradicting statements from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that such reforms would push house prices down, so some certainty about which scare campaign they're going to stick with is all we're after," Australian Greens housing Spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said today.
"In his response to the motion today, Senator Scott Ryan echoed the one sentiment the government has been consistent about; their total indifference to anyone other than investors when it comes to housing affordability.
"There's more than 4 times as many Australians renting their home as there are people reducing their taxable income by negatively gearing property. Yet it's the latter group - the vast majority of whom are higher income earners - that this Liberal government speaks up for.
"It was a tongue-in-cheek motion with an all-too serious message; this government has their priorities completely wrong on housing affordability," Senator Ludlam said.
"The government didn't support the motion, I hope it isn't because there's a third scare campaign out there they're waiting to roll out. 

The text of the motion is below;