Study should trigger increase to Newstart and Youth Allowance: Greens


The Australian Greens have renewed their calls for an increase in Newstart and Youth Allowance following more evidence of the inadequacy of the payments. The latest study released today which shows family costs are significantly higher than previously thought should trigger an increase to Newstart and Youth Allowance.  

“It has been clear for a long time that Newstart and Youth Allowance were woefully low and urgently needed increasing, this study’s findings that family costs are significantly higher than previously thought reinforces again the urgent need for an increase”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“Newstart in particular has become a politicised payment that both Liberal and Labor Governments have refused to increase in real terms for over two decades. 

“This latest study findings means that families living on or below the poverty line are struggling even more than previously thought, making it harder to put food on the table or keep a roof over their head. It’s harder to find a job when you’re living in poverty, we shouldn’t be forcing people to live in poverty just because of a lack of political will. 

“I urge the Government to increase Newstart and Youth allowance payments by $75 a week so that families can have some breathing space, that money will go straight back into the economy because families and students will pay for the goods and services they need to get by”.

Media Release Family, Ageing and Community Services