Suicide rates at ten year high shows more work to do and should prompt a national suicide prevention target: Greens


Suicide rates hitting a devastating ten year high should jolt the Government into implementing a national suicide prevention target whilst addressing what else we need to be doing, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“At a time when so many people are working hard to focus on mental health and suicide rates, it is devastating that suicide rates have hit a ten year high.

“Our response needs to address the various social factors impacting on different groups who have been disproportionally affected, this includes encourage safe conversations, ensuring access to mental health care, quality education and support for service providers.

“According to reports, suicide rates amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are more than double the rate of non-indigenous people across the board. This represents a huge failure in attempts to close the gap and reduce disadvantage.

“Mental health organisations have called for a national suicide prevention target, this would be a great step and a show of willingness by the Government to make change. Suicide Prevention Australia has also called for investment in research, the Greens support these calls.

“It is time to act urgently so that next year we are not facing another increase in suicides that could have been avoided. We do not have time to be complacent”.