Turnbull, ensure longevity and double funding for Indigenous Rangers


In the lead up to the budget the Greens have written to Prime Minister Turnbull urging him to double funding for the Indigenous Rangers program and ensure longevity by committing to the program for the next 15 years.

“The Indigenous Rangers program is a textbook example of how to do things properly when it comes to Closing the Gap on Aboriginal disadvantage”, Australian Greens leader Richard Di Natale said today.

“The program meets every key indicator you can think of, whether it be social, cultural, environmental or employment outcomes.

“Ranger groups protect country, fight feral animal populations, reduce carbon release through fire control, protect coastal environments, and fight invasive weeds. Over eighty per cent of ranger groups are involved in cultural activities that strengthen local communities”.

“Those involved in the program have had better health outcomes and stronger traditional knowledge. It gives participants an unparalleled opportunity to connect with land and culture”, Australian Greens spokesperson on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues, Senator Rachel Siewert, said today.

“94% of indigenous rangers continue with the program, proving that it is meaningful employment. Imagine if the program was given the capacity to grow and longevity? If Prime Minister Turnbull is wants to act on his rhetoric about Closing the Gap, this is his chance.

“I urge Mr Turnbull to double the funding for the Indigenous Rangers program and extend funding to 15 years. The program must have certainty if it is to reach its full potential”.