Turnbull must follow Trudeau’s Lead


Australia must take the opportunity to follow the example set by Canada and withdraw our Air Force from the chaos in Syria, the Australian Greens said today.
"This Air Force deployment is a legacy of Tony Abbott's desperation to have a war of his own. As well as even further destabilising the region, it's a huge disservice to our military personnel. Each day of Malcolm Turnbull's indifference is another day of danger for these men and women," Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said today.
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed leadership in recognising the futility and foolhardiness of this action, ordering his air forces to withdraw. Our personnel deserve as much from our Prime Minister.
"Médecins Sans Frontières have said more than a dozen health facilities in Syria have been bombed this year alone. The USA, the UK, France, Jordan, Turkey and Russia are all active in the airspace over Syria. It is a diabolical situation and it has created disaster over and over again."