Unconventional gas could be worse than coal: we need a national fracking ban


The Australian Greens today reiterated their call for a national ban on fracking in light of reports that unconventional gas fracking could be worse than coal for the climate. 

Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson on resources said:

“This newest study on massive ‘fugitive’ pollution from fracking wells shows we need a national ban on fracking. 

“Unconventional gas fracking wells and pipes leak like a sieve, and they could be just as bad for the climate as burning coal

“On Thursday, the Greens will keep grilling the CSIRO and their gas industry-sponsored research group about this issue as we have for years.  We still have no comprehensive Australian study of ‘fugitive emissions’.

“The government has not funded critical CSIRO research on fugitive emissions from fracking infrastructure like water treatment facilities and gas compressor stations.

“The only Australia-specific research we have on unconventional gas fugitive emissions has a tiny sample size, and doesn’t cover these crucial stages of production.

“As disused gas wells age and concrete casings break down, we risk further leaks for decades to come, and no studies have systematically examined the deteriorations of old wells.

“We have job-rich clean energy alternatives which don’t threaten our climate, health, land and water which is why the Greens are calling for a ban on fracking.”


The Australian Greens will question CSIRO on fugitive emissions from unconventional gas in Senate Estimates on Thursday 2 March 2017. 

The Australian Greens have a Private Senator’s Bill to ban fracking and give landholders including traditional owners the right to say “no” to coal and gas. 

Media Release Environment Mining and Resources