Uranium scandal: Federal environment Minister sets a new low


The Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has given environmental approval to the Mulga Rock uranium mine in WA this week, just days ahead of the election, despite the lack of cross-party support for this toxic industry, the Australian Greens said. 

Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Nuclear Issues spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said, “This week’s Federal Environmental Approval for the Mulga Rock uranium project is premature and deeply deficient.”

“This decision is a real departure from the norm with virtually no conditions for the environment, for mine closure and rehabilitation or for the management of radioactive mine waste.

“Frydenberg has set a dangerously low precedent for one of Australia’s most dangerous and toxic industries.

"The Mulga Rock uranium project is in a pristine environment, a Priority Ecological Community and home to many rare and endangered species. The project would use 15 million litres of water a day in one of Australia’s most arid regions, and turn that water into radioactive waste. The threat of radioactive mine waste in the environment will remain for thousands of years.

“With the uranium price sitting at $25 / lb, half the amount needed for the project to break even, there is certainly no immediate prospects for this mine to begin construction. This fast tracked approval seems to be driven by the politics of the WA State election rather than evidence and good process,” concluded Senator Ludlam.

Media Release Nuclear