Violent, racist and homophobic comments have no place in a democracy


Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says today’s news report claiming a One Nation candidate for the Upper House seat of South Metropolitan once advocated killing Indonesian journalists and has used derogatory language to attack gay people, Muslims and people of African descent on his former Twitter account confirms there is no place for One Nation in the WA Parliament.

“As a society, we show zero tolerance for this kind of language and behaviour in our schools, in our laws and in most institutions, social circles and work places,” Ms MacLaren said.

“So we should not accept it for a moment among people who aspire to public office.

“This news about a One Nation candidate is sadly not new or out of the ordinary  – One Nation is as racist as it always was.

“It gives the lie to comments by senior Liberals in recent days that One Nation has changed.

“The Liberal Party in WA has sunk to very low depths in announcing it would preference One Nation.

“The Greens continue to be the genuine alternative in WA.

“We stand for fair and multicultural country, and accepting all people as equals regardless of sexuality, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, gender or place of birth.”


Note to media:

Lynn MacLaren is responding to this report in Fairfax media:

Related portfolios:  Sexuality and Gender Identity Social Inclusion