WA Greens ready for election 2016


Climate change, refugees, housing affordability, inequality and threats to our environment have galvanised the largest grassroots campaign ever organised by the Greens (WA) with hundreds of volunteers already doorknocking and phone banking for the upcoming election.
“We are ready. We have been preparing the Greens biggest grass-roots, volunteer driven campaign ever organised in WA. I am incredibly excited,” said Greens Senator Rachel Siewert.
“On day one of the official election campaign I can proudly say the Greens have more doorknockers in the electorate of Curtin than the entire 2014 by-election campaign.”
The four key seats of Curtin, Swan, Fremantle and Perth will be the focus of the campaign buoyed by booth numbers of up to 25 per cent primary vote in 2014. “We have candidates in all electorates and our goal is to provide a genuine alternative for progressive voters in every seat,” said Ms Siewert.
Climate change, the new economy, progressive tax reform,asylum seekers and inequality will anchor the campaign, with the Greens determined to lead the way. “The Western Australian community has become increasingly disappointed in the Liberal, National and Labor parties who have let us down on climate change, transitioning to a new economy, social inequality, and asylum seeker policy,” said Senator Siewert.
Senator Scott Ludlam has been nominated number one on the Senate ticket and Senator Rachel Siewert as second, with each Senator nominated uncontested. Senator Ludlam said the Greens will campaign for every vote until 6pm on July 2 to retain both WA senate seats by expanding the successful grassroots campaign of the 2014 by-election.
“We’re building on the 2014 community model with hundreds of volunteers out in their local communities, talking to their neighbours about issues that matter this election. It’s incredible to see so many Western Australians fired up to take this campaign on,” he said.
“We have already announced plans to phase out negative and capital gains tax discounts, and divert funds to affordable housing supply. “We will have plenty more to say about energy policy, social justice and designing liveable cities as the campaign rolls out.
“And we are determined to use this campaign to bring the campaign against the Perth Freight Link to a successful conclusion.”