WA Greens respond to toxic firefighting chemicals found in WA Airports and defence sites


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert and Greens candidate for East Metro Tim Clifford respond to toxic firefighting chemicals found in WA Airports and defence sites:
Senator Siewert said:
“Dangerous levels of toxic firefighting chemicals PFOS and PFOA found in WA airports and defence sites is an environmental issue, a workplace safety issue, and a public health issue. It must be urgently addressed.
“I am extremely worried for the firefighters and other workers who used foams containing these chemicals all those years ago, and for the surrounding residents who are facing the possibility of contaminated ground water in their communities.
“These toxic foams have caused havoc for communities in Williamtown in NSW and Oakey in QLD, where the Federal Government has largely mismanaged its response to the contamination, leaving communities in limbo.
“My colleague Lee Rhiannon initiated a Senate inquiry into the Oakey and Williamtown contaminations, so Federal and State Government must use the details of the senate report to get it right this time.
“We must work together with concise action that offers answers and remediation, moving forward I hope Governments do the right thing and offer consultation, information and support. Health testing and financial support if it becomes necessary should also be offered.
Tim Clifford said:
“Residents of the East Metro electorate who live and work around the Perth Airport will be particularly concerned about the news today, they undoubtedly have questions that they deserve answers to.
“I urge the State Government to not be sluggish in approaching the Federal Government to work out all areas of contamination, including in surrounding areas, and offer prompt and fair remediation.
“I will be tracking this issue and will not hesitate to speak for East Metro residents as queries and concerns emerge”.

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