WA voters want action on renewables


Energy minister Mike Nahan needs to quit his scare campaign against the renewable energy sector after it was revealed today that Malcolm Turnbull admitted South Australian blackouts were not caused by renewable energy.

The Greens have also blamed the Liberals for paving the groundwork to allow the Labor party to backflip on their own RET policy, leaving WA without a plan to reduce its carbon emissions.

New polling from the Greens show 85 per cent of Western Australians believe that investment in the renewable energy industry is very or somewhat important.


Investment in a renewable energy industry



Very important


Somewhat important


Not very important


Not at all important


Greens candidate Tim Clifford said the rhetoric from the Liberals not to introduce a renewable energy target in WA, was irresponsible and now proven untrue.

“For eight years, the WA Liberals have handballed responsibility to reduce our carbon emissions to the Federal Government, but now we’ve seen the Prime Minister admit the blackouts in South Australia are not the fault of renewables,” he said. 

“Yesterday on Insiders, Laura Tingle and Lenore Taylor said the blackouts in South Australia were not the fault of renewables.

“This scare campaign against renewables isn’t working.

“Labor doesn’t need to wait until after the election to speak to community and industry, because along with Greens Energy 2030 report and the Renew WA consortium, the community and industry have already spoken.

“Unlike the old parties, the Greens are the only party showing leadership on the issue with a fully costed roadmap to 100 per cent renewable energy, including a phase out plan and jobs figures. 

See Energy 2030