Wasteful plebiscite damaging for LGBTI Australians, Lynn MacLaren warns


Previous estimates of the cost of a marriage equality failed to account for the costs of major social damage, while wasting hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds, Greens spokesperson for sexuality and gender identity Lynn MacLaren has said.
“I’m not surprised by the figure outlined in the PricewaterhouseCoopers report, which suggests a plebiscite will cost $525 million in direct expenses, coping with mental health impacts and lost production,” Ms MacLaren said.
“The whole exercise is a complete waste of time and money, particularly as the Parliament has the power to change the law now.
“A plebiscite would achieve nothing and come at a great cost.
“It is non-binding and non-compulsory and we already know that 72 per cent of Australians support same sex marriage.
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