West Bank settlement push should be condemned not cheered: Greens


The Australian Government should condemn the aggressive Israeli expansion further into the West Bank, not lead the cheer squad alongside Donald Trump, the Australian Greens said today.

“We are deeply disturbed by Israel’s multiple approvals this week of further settlements in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  It comes only a month after the United Nations’ Security Council resoundingly passed a resolution declaring that these settlements are a flagrant violation of international law and a major obstacle to a two-state solution,” Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Foreign Affairs spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said today.

“The Australian Government is behaving like a cheer squad for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his ultra-right wing partners, standing with only Israel and the Trump Administration, while the world condemns illegal settlements in East Jerusalem. 

“Just as troubling is the fact that members of the Turnbull Government have suggested that the Australian Embassy in Israel should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an inflammatory move which overturns decades of international consensus and which would mark a huge setback to efforts for peace.

“We urge the Australian Government to join the international community and call on Israel to end all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories, including in East Jerusalem.  The Australian Government must also stand up to the Trump Administration and make it clear that it does not support any steps to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and reaffirm its commitment to keeping our own Embassy in Tel Aviv,” Senator Ludlam said.

Media Release Foreign Affairs