Which Housing Scare Campaign?


*1050 Senator Ludlam: To move-
That the Senate 
(a) notes that the assertions by: 
(i) the Assistant Treasurer (Ms O'Dwyer) that reforming negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions would force up house prices, and 
(ii) the Prime Minister (Mr Turnbull) that reforming negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions would force down house prices; and 
(b) calls on the Government to clarify which house price scare campaign it wishes to proceed with.

Senator LUDLAM:  Senator Ryan, I acknowledge that this motion is somewhat tongue in cheek but the issue is extraordinarily serious. Senator Ryan has just done a game on his colleagues in the other place from the Prime Minister down. Any time questions around concessions for housing, housing affordability or homelessness-any of the issues that the opposition have raised and any of the issues the Greens have raised-are brought to the floor of this chamber or the other you step up for investors-families, mums and dads, but always for investors. You have no way of seeing the situation through the eyes of people who are homeless or renting, the entire generation who have been priced out of affordable housing. You just did it again, Senator Ryan. You had a perfect opportunity to tell us that you actually care about housing affordability and that you intend to do something about it, but you will not and that is why you are losing this debate. It is time you told us what your plans are for housing affordability.