Why Shave?


On Saturday 12 March Scott will face the clippers at the Worl'd's Greatest Shave event in Perth.
Here he talks to Serina Dosen, a Perth woman who has fought blood cancer and relied on the support from the Leukemia Foundation for 14 years.

With just over 24 hours to go before the big chop, Scott's feeling a little nervous.
But if Serina can summon the courage to fight blood cancer so graciously - he can manage the big shave. He's doing this for Serina and all of those like her with blood cancer.
Please help Scott reach his fundraising target by donating to SHAVE Gary at worldsgreatestshave.com
If you're in Perth, come along to watch Senator Rachel Siewert take the clippers to Gary.
12noon Saturday 12 March in Forrest Place Perth.