Tuesday, 27 June 2017
WA Greens Environment spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC indicated today he was cautiously optimistic the Government would be willing to work with the Greens to progress his bill to outlaw single-use plastics in WA.
Environment Minister Stephen Dawson conceded today that his preference would be for a state-wide ban on single-use plastics bags, rather than leaving it to local councils.
“The Government’s initial response to my bill was to state that they had no plans in the near future to introduce state-wide legislation banning any kind of single-use plastic items, and that they would rather see local government’s shoulder that burden,” Mr Chapple said.
“Environment Minister Stephen Dawson’s apparent deviation from the party line today, suggesting his office is looking at state-wide legislation, leaves me hopeful we can work together to progress my bill.
“Leaving this important task up to local governments will ultimately prove to be a regulatory nightmare, with ratepayers and businesses having to navigate different rules suburb-to-suburb.
“Ultimately, if the Government is serious about cutting down on the most common and damaging types of plastic in our oceans and ecosystems then legislating at a state level is the only way forward.
“My bill is already on the Legislative Council’s notice paper. If we have the same ultimate goal – to ban the most harmful, single-use plastics produces by our society – then let’s work together to get this legislation passed in some form as soon as possible!”
More info: robinchapple.com/banplasticswa
Media Contact: Tim Oliver 0431 9696 25