Hi, I’m Dave and I’m excited to be your Greens candidate for Roe at the state election!
I’ve been campaigning to keep WA nuclear free and to adopt renewable energy sources since 1980, and have family connections in Esperance going back two generations.
Roe is already seeing the effects of climate change, and this will only worsen with continued inaction by the major parties. The regions are such an important part of our state, and for too long the major parties have ignored them, listening instead to their major corporate donors.
This election we have a real opportunity to get more Greens into parliament to push the government further and faster on issues that matter to us, like urgent action on the cost of living, housing and climate crises.
A better future for WA is possible – but we have to make it happen together.
If you want change, you have to vote for it.
See you out there!