Robyn Walsh

Candidate for Bibra Lake

Hi, I’m Robyn and I’m thrilled to be your Greens candidate for Bibra Lake at the 2025 state election!

I’ve been an activist my whole life, with my first demonstration being a Palm Sunday Peace march I attended as a child. In my university days I was active with LOIS (Lesbians Organising in Solidarity), and these days you’ll find me supporting many movements within Bibra Lake.

My most recent efforts have been in protecting the Cockburn Community Wildlife Corridor – we need to preserve this vital green space from wetlands to waves. I’ve also been active in organising efforts to stop AUKUS. WA needs safe, sustainable industries and growth, not to become an outpost for the military industrial complex.

The lack of funding and protection for our local environment here is worrying – but the Greens are the only party who have committed to protecting our bush and wetlands so these treasures can be enjoyed by generations to come.

This election we have a real opportunity to get more Greens into parliament to push the government further and faster on issues that matter to us, like urgent action on the cost of living, housing and climate crises. 

A better future for WA is possible – but we have to make it happen together.

If you want change, you have to vote for it.

See you out there!