Simone Springer

State candidate for Perth

Hi, I’m Simone. I’m a comedian and mother, who has lived in the Perth electorate for over 20 years. I'm so excited to be your Greens candidate for Perth in the upcoming State election!

Over the last decade I have watched Perth struggle, and it’s not just Perth business owners doing it tough. 

I see friends struggle with soaring rent prices, with no end in sight, while the WA Labor government thinks that a few bucks towards electricity will solve the problem.

I have watched friends go from thriving, and being able to plan for their future, to having to sacrifice the basics just to get by.

The Greens have seen the housing crisis coming. We’ve seen these surpluses, made at the expense of the people living in our community. We see the same reality you see, and we know our government can do better.

My values have always aligned with the greens. Whether it be environmental issues, animal welfare, LGBTQIA+ rights, refugee treatment, or First Nations Peoples’ issues.

I have attended talks on how, with wind, wave, and solar, WA could be 100% renewable, then watched as the State Government reopened a coal plant, and committed us to still more gas projects. 

We need change. The Greens will action that change. We need people who don’t put big business interests above Australians. We need people in power who won’t vote to give billions of dollars in handouts to fossil fuel companies. 

We need to fight for it and we can do that with your vote. Let’s make change together. Let’s put the right people into government.