Sex Work

Sex work refers to all forms of erotic labour performed for payment or reward. It is a legitimate form of labour that should be decriminalised. The agency of sex workers should be prioritised through representation on relevant Workplace Health and Safety governing bodies, and through co-design of relevant legislation. Sex workers have a fundamental right to be safe at work and respected as workers. Sex workers deserve the same support and representation that workers in other industries have.


The Greens (WA) want:

  • the full decriminalisation1 of sex work
  • the legal definition of sex work to encompass all its forms
  • improvement of working conditions and safety in all sectors of sex work
  • elimination of the stigma that impedes the professional conduct of sex work and endangers sex workers' well-being
  • sex work to be recognised as a legitimate form of employment (see also The Greens (WA) Workplace Relations policy)


The Greens (WA) will initiate and support legislation and actions that:

  • prioritise sex worker voices when drafting legislation related to the sex work industry
  • repeal or amend legislation that criminalises or endangers sex workers, including the Prostitution Act, Public Health Act and Criminal Code
  • include sex work as a protected class in legislation, including the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Fair Work Act
  • decriminalise the advertisement of sex work services and sex work safety measures
  • decriminalise the use of third party2 services in the course of conducting sex work
  • oppose criminalisation of accessing sex work services
  • prevent the creation of a registry for sex workers and repeal any historic sex work convictions
  • in collaboration with peer-based sex worker services3:
    • initiate sex work discrimination and stigma reduction programs specifically for police and health care workers;
    • initiate a sex work discrimination and stigma reduction campaign for the public;
    • include appropriate sex work discrimination and stigma reduction programs in the sex education curriculum; and
    • provide appropriate support to disabled sex workers.
  • address the common misconception that sex work is more exploitative than other forms of employment
  • ensure that police officers are aware of the legal rights of sex workers and the legal status of their work (see also The Greens (WA) Justice policy)
  • provide public funding for peer-based advocacy groups
  • ensure public funding to support sex worker peer-based including advocacy groups, peer-education, and research/outreach
  • support an increase in peer-based outreach to culturally and linguistically diverse and rural-based sex workers
  • ensure that any relevant Occupational Health and Safety codes are co-designed with sex workers
  • ensure that sex workers are represented on relevant work health and safety bodies
  • ensure that financial institutions, insurance providers, healthcare providers and employers do not discriminate against current or previous sex workers
  • ensure every sex worker's right to refuse service
  • allows for sex workers to provide therapeutic services through the NDIS
  • allow disabled sex workers to access the appropriate supports necessary for their work
  • ensure that sex workers who offer fetish services are not discriminated against by banks, health providers and others on the basis of the type of services they offer
  • fund ongoing research into improving working conditions and on-job safety
  • develop systems to assist sex workers to transition to other industries where desired


  1. Decriminalisation - Under a decriminalised system, sex industry businesses are treated like any other business. They are subject to existing regulatory mechanisms such as: local council planning; zoning and location controls; workers compensation requirements; occupational health and safety standards; and industrial rights obligations. Decriminalisation does not mean no regulation - it means whole of government regulation. Importantly, police are not involved as regulators at any level unless there is a breach of law.
  2. Third parties - are any individual or business that provides a service to sex workers in the conduct of their business, such as managers, receptionists, maids, drivers, landlords and hotels.
  3. Peer-based services - Services specific to an affected community provided by members of that community. Peer-based organisations and services are founded on the idea that marginalised groups would be more comfortable disclosing information to their peers rather than health or justice services

The Sex Work policy ratified by The Greens (WA) in 2023